Retrieving Credit Account data
The primary data related to health of the Credit Account (such as various debt amounts and collateral value) can be retrieved by calling a CreditManager
function calcDebtAndCollateral(address creditAccount, CollateralCalcTask task)
returns (CollateralDebtData memory cdd);
This return a structure CollateralDebtData
with requested parameters:
struct CollateralDebtData {
uint256 debt;
uint256 cumulativeIndexNow;
uint256 cumulativeIndexLastUpdate;
uint128 cumulativeQuotaInterest;
uint256 accruedInterest;
uint256 accruedFees;
uint256 totalDebtUSD;
uint256 totalValue;
uint256 totalValueUSD;
uint256 twvUSD;
uint256 enabledTokensMask;
uint256 quotedTokensMask;
address[] quotedTokens;
address _poolQuotaKeeper;
Parameter | Description |
debt | The Credit Account's debt principal denominated in underlying. |
cumulativeIndexNow | The current value of the pool's interest index. |
cumulativeIndexLastUpdated | The value of the pool's interest index after the account's last debt update. |
cumulativeQuotaInterest | The total accumulated unpaid interest from all quotas. |
accruedInterest | The accumulated unpaid interest on principal. Computed as debt * (cumulativeIndexNow/cumulativeIndexLastUpdate - 1) . |
accruedFees | Total amount of fees owed to the DAO. |
totalDebtUSD | Total debt of the account converted to USD (with 10 ** 8 precision). |
totalValue | Total value of enabled collateral assets on the account, in underlying. |
totalValueUSD | Total value of enabled collateral assets on the account, in USD (with 10 ** 8 precision). |
twvUSD | Total weighted value of enabled collateral assets on the account, in USD (with 10 ** 8 precision). |
enabledTokensMask | The mask of enabled collateral tokens for a Credit Account. |
quotedTokensMask | The mask of all quoted tokens in the Credit Manager. |
quotedTokens | Array of quoted tokens on the Credit Account. |
_poolQuotaKeeper | Address of the PoolQuotaKeeper associated with the account's Credit Manager (this is mainly for internal use). |
Response granularity
determines the level of detail for the returned data (with higher detail levels generally consuming more gas):
- only returns account's debt principal and interest indices.DEBT_ONLY
- returns all debt information, including quota-related debt and fees. As a consequence, this also fills thequotedTokens
- returns all debt values and collateral values. This setting is used to compute values during liquidation.DEBT_COLLATERAL_SAFE_PRICES
- same as above, but uses safe pricing for the TWV value. Used to perform collateral checks after collateral withdrawals.
setting, but it is only used internally and is not available for external queries.
Alternative sources
More detailed Credit Account data can be retrieved from DataCompressor
. As it is gas-intensive, it is recommended for gasless static calls only.